GPS for Christians
In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:6 (KJV)
Remember the Lord in everything you do, and he will show you the right way. Proverbs 3:6 (TEV)
As a young girl I took catechism in the Reformed Church of America which is similar to the Methodist program of confirmation. One of the gifts I received following completion of that program was an embossed plaster of Paris plaque that had Proverbs 3:6 on it. Such plaques with Bible verses were common gifts. I loved that plaque and it hung on my bedroom wall for years. It made a strong impression on me and I took it to heart. Many times when I was uncertain about my future and what path to take, I thought of that Bible verse and prayed for God’s direction in my life. I prayed to know what path of study to follow, where to go to school, who I should have as friends, where I should go to church, whether I should marry and so on. As I got older I prayed about things such as my beliefs, how I should train my children, how I should deal with difficult circumstances and people, or how I should manage my resources.
Today we rely on technology for so many things. We even use the computer to help us find a mate in life. Virtually everyone is familiar with Global Positioning Systems. It is amazing how accurate such a system is in identifying our location and directing us how to get to where we want to go. You can leave your house, travel across country and never need a map to direct you as long as you have a GPS system. Of course if that system were to break down it would not be long before we would be frustrated and lost.
It is easy to get caught up in modern technology but no present technology or future technology can tell us what spiritual path we should take. In life we need to be able to rely on a system that will never break down or become outdated. The kind of GPS we need for that is God’s Positioning System. God promises if we remember him, he will show us the right path. How reassuring to know with God as our guide we will never get lost. That doesn’t mean we won’t have challenges or difficulties but it means God promises to be with us and to make our path clear.
Prayer: Guide us Father in our spiritual journey in life. It is easy to become lost when we forget to turn to you for direction. Keep us from relying on the wrong people and things. Help us to be attuned to the GPS you have made available to us. Thank you for sending your Son to show us the way.
Pat Deck
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