Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February 27, 2013

The Cross on My Collar

I got my first cross pin on my first official Father’s day at worship at GPUMC, and now all my shirts have a hole in the collar. I remember how much it surprised me the first time it didn’t close up in the wash. Yes, nearly every day for 27 years I’ve had a cross on my collar.

It's strange, but I can only remember a few conversations about it. There have been coffee hour comments such as “that’s a pretty cross” or “your cross is upside-down” and so forth, but other than simply noting the particular cross, there have been almost none.

Two of those few were employment-related. When I was looking for a job, years ago, the guy who was helping me said that I might not want to wear it on interviews, because it might make someone hesitate to hire me. I told him that if they wouldn't hire me because I had a cross on my collar, I didn't want to work there anyway. Then, when I did get hired, my new boss asked, “Now that I've hired you, what’s that cross on your collar all about? Are you a minister or something?” I was happy that he had noticed it, and that he wanted to know about it.

Two others were in elevators. A different boss asked me if I were Catholic, because I was wearing a Celtic cross that day, but that was like the coffee hour conversations about the style of cross. Another time, a guy who was riding with me, and whom I had never seen before, asked me if I were born again, and we had a good, but short conversation about how difficult it can be to share our faith with others.

My real surprise is that, just like the fish on my car, the cross on my collar hasn't started many conversations. In fact, my ARGOS SUCK bumper sticker starts far more than my fish.

Still – the fish and the cross both set expectations of my behavior, and I have to be mindful of that. I’m His ambassador, after all; we all are, really. I know I'm not always very good at modeling Christ – far from it – so the cross on my collar reminds me that I need Him every hour, I need His light to shine in my life, so all will see the glory of God, rather than me.

Charlie van Becelaere

Lord, may we always reflect Your Light to all who seek You, and help us to remember never to hide it under our bushels. Amen.

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