Tuesday, March 05, 2013

March 05, 2013


This is probably not the most appropriate way to start my submission for the 2013 Lenten Book, but holidays are so important to me that I felt compelled to address how I feel.

I will never see my daughter again, since she died in childbirth almost 12 years ago, but she remains in my heart forever. She was a very smart girl, and I am sure that she knew what was happening as she ascended to Heaven to be with the Lord....

This Christmas holiday was a different one for us, as we were alone for the very first time. I didn't miss the crowds at the airport, which at times can be a bit much. All the rest of the family wanted to do their own thing, and so we will celebrate with them soon.

Our congregation is so fortunate to have the ministers we have. You can count on the fact that if you are going to the hospital for surgery, one of them is always there to be with the family to make sure they are comfortable and getting lots of prayers.

And finally, this Christmas, we were honored to have approximately 10 children and 10 adults sing carols to us outside our front door. Caroling is a tradition that was very popular when we were young people. Now we know how they must have felt, because we felt that way too … Blessings to those people who provided such a nice occasion.

JOY TO THE WORLD... All is well with the Lord. Easter is upon us. May there be peace and happiness.

Karen G. Leigh

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