Saturday, February 28, 2015

Introduction - 2015

Editor's Note:
This year we haven't produced a new book of Lenten Devotions. Rather, in celebration of our 70th anniversary as a congregation, we collected a book to cover a full year (plus an extra Advent season) made up of favourites from past books. This is the introduction from that book.


In 1974, Rev. Perry A. Thomas organized a Lenten Committee at Grosse Pointe United Methodist Church to publish a booklet of daily devotions for Lent by and for the congregation.
The illustration on the opposite page was the cover of that booklet.

Twenty-five years later, in 1999, the Council on Ministries sponsored another similar booklet, and the congregation has been writing and sharing devotions every year since.

In celebration of our 70th Anniversary year – our diamond anniversary – we've collected many of those devotions to create this book. We begin at the start of the church year – Advent – and continue through the entire next calendar year.

One thing that has been true of every one of these devotion books is the introduction that appeared in that first edition back in 1974. While this isn't solely a book of Lenten devotions (although that was the original intent of each of them), it is nonetheless fitting and proper that we begin with that same introduction.

Keeping a true Lent requires us to be vigilant in many ways: in prayer, study, worship, sacrifice, giving, meditation, and fellowship.

One or all may take precedence, depending upon our daily commitments. From these devotions, lovingly prepared, may you find a well spring of faith to renew and sustain you, so that the Glorious Triumph that is Easter will remain with you always.

The Lenten Committee

To that we can but say, as always, Amen.
Charlie van Becelaere, Editor

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