Monday, March 27, 2017

March 27, 2017

Read: Psalm 4:1-3

A line in a song by Garth Brooks is "Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers." That is almost impossible to comprehend. Why would anyone pray for something they really would like to see happen that is not good?

In one of the accounts I read about near death experiences, where people temporarily experience heaven, the person telling about the experience said "God's plan is perfect." Since I've never been there it is hard for me to disagree – except when I see what is going on in this world (Chicago and the Middle East, etc) I know the supernatural view has advantages over ours here in the natural world. In our limited understanding we have no way of knowing completely the meaning of "perfect" as used in heaven.

 If I accept that God's plan is perfect, how do I rationalize a "no answer" to my prayers when my prayers are asking for noble and compassionate results? Trust in God has to be the answer!

Jack Van Becelaere

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