Thursday, March 21, 2019

March 21, 2019

Missing Mom
Read: John 14:1-4
As I sat down to this topic, I told myself that I needed to write this, even if it didn’t go into the devotions; and I was right, I really did need to get this down on paper (and it didn't get into the devotions book last year when I wrote it).
Lent feels strange to me this year. I’m soliciting and collecting devotions from the congregation, but I know I won’t be getting one from my Mom again this year.
One of the things folks have mentioned to me most about Mom is how much they liked her devotions – they were short, to the point, and memorable.
I think my favorite devotion of hers (and it's one that she didn't really like very much) was the one about a snowman at Christmas. He opens his present and finds coal. Then he puts them in his face and has eyes. “Sometimes you get coal. Sometimes it’s a blessing,” was the final line. That kind of picture – something that you know is true after you see it, but you wouldn't think of it beforehand – that kind of picture was in my mind the day after Mom died.
When she was first in the hospital, the doctors had told us that often people wait until they’re alone in their rooms to die – that it's almost as if they didn’t want anyone to see them go.
Picture this:
A woman lies in a hospital bed, teetering on the edge of life. Her family has stepped out of the room for a moment. She opens her eyes and sees Jesus standing at the foot of her bed, beckoning and whispering, “Hey! Shirley! Quick, come with Me before anybody sees!”
Prayer: Father, thank you for the comfort of the Holy Spirit as He reminds us that we're never alone; You are with us and in us – even to that moment when we can hold hands with Jesus and run home to be with You eternally. Amen.

Charlie van Becelaere

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