Wednesday, April 10, 2019

April 10, 2019

The Journey of a Lifetime
Becoming a Christian at the age of 23, I felt like I was always playing catch-up with other Christians.
I realized that as I grew as a Christian I learned the Christian language, how to study the Bible, and to pray. Growing into Christian maturity is not a race against others, but is a race. The race is more of a marathon than a sprint. As I press on today, during this Lenten season, I think back to how far I have come.
Learning to let go of things that do not glorify God and harm others. These things encumbered and burdened. They are not light. It is easier to run a race when you do not have the weight. Reading my Bible and prayer have strengthened my race muscles. People who keep me accountable help me set a pace.
I do not know how long this journey will be, but I can promise you, I will keep running to the end. I hope you will strive for the finish line too!

Pastor Keith Lenard, Jr.

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