Monday, March 23, 2020

Monday, March 23, 2020

(audio version)
Read: Psalm 96:1-4

The word has obvious meaning – and is attributed all the way back to Martin Luther. I was honored to be part of church music three times. Each time I was listed as Jack van Becelaere. In truth it should have been "The Jack van Becelaere Trio." While I was the only one seen, God and Shirley were on my shoulders. No way I could have done that by myself.

The lesson to be learned from that is God can help out no matter the task. During the days of practice I did much better when I said a prayer before starting. God must know I am fighting a lack of natural ability, and knows I need Him. I know He is busy with many large concerns, but He seems to find time for something as mundane as my playing the guitar.

Thank you God.

Jack van Becelaere

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