Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

(audio version)
Read: 1 Samuel 16:7

Ever notice how some flashes of brilliance seem to be "brilliant" only to you? Back a few years ago in a Lenten Devotion I described my mother's penchant for seeing the negative. I summarized that attitude as "every silver lining has a dark cloud!" That to me was surely something that would bring many comments. Strangely, at least to me, I heard not one. So much for brilliant remarks.

The lack of response in no way made me less willing to offer more Lenten Devotions. Because we don't hear a response to a "devotional" doesn't mean it hasn't helped someone(s). I take great joy in reading and taking to heart many of the devotionals our church family has shared even though I don't respond.

Jack van Becelaere

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