A Love Letter to My Church Family
“After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church—for we are members of his body.” – Ephesians 5:29-30
What a year this has been! We have all been overwhelmed with the disruption to our lives brought on by this horrible pandemic. Will you remember a year of disappointment, inconveniences, fear, political and social unrest, stress, mask wearing and social distancing, hopelessness, or a multitude of other negatives? Or will the year be remembered as one to reflect on what is really important in life, to re-balance our values, to realize how dependent we are on each other, to discover how creative we can be, and to celebrate our faith in the midst of uncertainty. It is a year where I have discovered anew the appreciation I have for this church and my church family. This church has wrapped its loving arms around me at the loss of my beloved Larry and given me sustenance to find a new sense of normalcy in spite of all the disruptions.
Thank you to each of the following:
- those with technical skills who have facilitated our online services and activities
- those who have blessed us with their beautiful voices and instruments
- the inspiring, comforting and reassuring words of our pastor as he prepared excellent sermons
- the wonderful children’s messages that Emily has given which spoke to the adults as well as children
- church members who made caring calls and wrote notes of cheer
- the United Methodist Women’s Cheer Group, the Witness and Caring Group, Stephen Ministry, Prayer Vigil participants, and the Outreach Ministry Group who have quietly continued their ministry to shut-ins, the hurting, those grieving, the fearful, and the lonely
- Charlie van Becelaere who has stepped up to become the Swiss Army knife of services to our congregation from presenting sermons, soliciting and presenting special music, and preparing our annual Lenten devotion booklet
- Joan Richardson who has brightened our days with the “Tuesday Newsletter” and “Coffee Hour”.
- Bob Rossbach whose technical skills have given us our online services, the voices of our choir and special music, and who facilitated the funeral service for Larry Deck in the Memorial Garden which led to outdoor services in the garden
- Fred Van de Putte who has kept all the sound and communications equipment working
- the unnamed who have sustained and supported the ministries of our church
- everyone who shared a kind word and smiled love
Prayer: Thank you, Father, for our church family who reminds us that while the virus is disruptive and inconvenient, it cannot touch our hearts and minds, nor can it keep us from your love and care.
Pat Deck
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