Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Lent 2023 - Introduction

Welcome back to Lent! As always, it has been my honor and joy to edit this book (my 25th as editor!); and once again, you came through for me – and for each other! Not only did I have enough devotions to cover the forty days, I could even cover all of the Sundays but two with original devotions! On a possibly interesting side note, this marks the return of Charles Wesley, as well as the continued collaboration with our brothers and sisters from College Grove UMC in Tennessee.

Once again, we got submissions from several new writers and new members to go along with many of our long-time stalwarts, and even a thrilling three-parter from a long-time contributor who attends worship online from Florida. It really was great to have so many new voices share their thoughts, time, insights, and witness with our church family as we make our slow but sure journey toward the glory of Easter Sunday.

Next, as so often happens, an overall theme seemed to emerge as I collected and arranged the contributions. This year there was a lot of meditation on and celebration of Light, the Light of the World, the One whose light we reflect, who illuminates our way. That thread of Light, Leading, and Providence weaves through our book and reminds us to pay attention to what God is doing in our lives and in our world, and to look for ways we can be that Light for others.

It’s pretty amazing. I don’t know how these “themes” appear each year (OK, I do: it’s the Holy Spirit prompting us to write on what we and our readers will need!), but still, I am always comforted and excited when they do appear.

Now, as we have each year since reviving this Lenten tradition, we repeat the introduction from our congregation's first book of devotions, published in 1974:

Keeping a true Lent requires us to be vigilant in many ways: in prayer, study, worship, sacrifice, giving, meditation, and fellowship.
One or all may take precedence, depending upon our daily commitments.
From these devotions, lovingly prepared, may you find a well spring of faith to renew and sustain you, so that the Glorious Triumph that is Easter will remain with you always. 
The Lenten Committee

Again, we can but say, “Amen.”

Charlie van Becelaere, Editor

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