Thursday, April 03, 2014

April 03, 2014

Winter Retreat – Indeed!

I decided on Friday night of the Winter Retreat 2014 to write an entry for the Lenten Book. It was then that the many conversations I had with my Mom since childhood came back to me.

My Mom always said that Sunday school, sermons, Bible studies, and mission were all important, but what she really cherished and found to be most important about our involvement with the church was the fellowship. To form friendships with people who were family, who loved and cared for us just as we loved and cared for them.

It started Friday night, as I watched my family enjoy being together and with others; completely comfortable in the environment. How amazing to have Drew and Anna come and give each one of us a hug goodnight…even when they didn’t really know Megan or Rebecca; they also were comfortable in this environment. That was just the start of this great weekend.

For those who have gone before, you know that it is a weekend of sharing meals, sharing stories, sharing memories of years before. Most of all, it is a weekend of laughs and being together. Getting to know each other better; it is amazing that we can always learn something new about each other.

For me, it was a weekend of retreat. I was usually one of the first up (someone had to make the coffee!) and I enjoy this time; quiet time. Watching the sun come up through the trees outside…snow covering the ground and trees. Slowly, one by one, everyone came out of the bedrooms and filled the center room as we waited for breakfast…one big family coming together to share a meal. I loved the fact that when the dishes are cleared after each meal, conversations continue; again sharing our lives with each other, our concerns for our congregation and certainly the joys of our congregation. This is not a formal, guided time, just conversations. I was thrilled when a spontaneous hymn sing started after our church service on Sunday of course followed by cards, and sledding and more conversations.

It was a wonderful reminder of the church that I grew up in. That one thing so cherished by my Mom; finding a big family of people we love and care for…and who love and care for us. We don’t always have to go on retreat to find this…it is around us all the time. What we get on Sunday morning should take us through the week until we are together again. I cherish this church and hope everyone feels the same about this family of ours. That we all can find people to care for and who care for us. (If you don’t feel it…sign up for the Winter Retreat some year and experience our family for yourself!)

Dear God, thank you for bringing us together as a family. Children of God to care for each other and to watch over each other as we worship you and go out into the world sharing Your love as we go.

Laurie Stowell

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