Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

A Whole Day of Devotion

Read: Ephesians 3:14-21

What a way to start a day. I went to the gym after an absence of two weeks. The first time I saw my friend Mary she told me she saw me come in and said, "Thank you, Jesus." It reinforces my belief that I truly have a "family" at the gym. People notice absences, express concern when someone is missing, and ask if all is OK when you're back.

As if that weren't enough – I was home again, contemplating what I could have for dinner – the phone rang. Most calls I get are to be ignored, but this one was from Laurie Stowell. She wondered if I would like some chicken & dumplings, chili, and I don't know what all.
From beginning to end, the day was a blessing. A gym family and a church family – confirmation of what I believe – God is watching over me! Like Mary said "Thank you, Jesus."

To paraphrase: There BY the grace of God go I.

Jack van Becelaere

Return on Investment

Read: Matthew 19:16-26

Prayers have a great ROI (Return on Investment). Just a few words of prayer on a daily basis and look at the return. I had the best wife anyone could hope for. My richness was multiplied first by our two children, and then again when they married great people, and yet again with the advent of grandchildren.

I have a reliable car, a house that is warm in the winter and cool in the summer; but that's not what makes me rich. I realized I was rich in 1966 when we joined this church and became part of this congregation.

I am now blessed with three families: my immediate family, my church family, and another at LA Fitness.

If this kind of richness is what Jesus was talking about, I'm doomed because I know a camel can't go through the eye of a needle, and nobody is richer that I.

Jack van Becelaere

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