Saturday, March 11, 2023

March 11, 2023


Read: Matthew 25:34-40

I spent about 50 years as a local government administrator in both small villages and medium-sized cities. No matter the community size, I always had residents who would drop by the office to see me with a problem. The problem was not really what they were telling me about an abandoned car, the neighbor with tall grass, smoke from the neighbor’s grill or noisy vehicles that were always speeding. The real problem was that they were lonely and needed someone to visit with. I remember Mr. Raut. He had retired from GM, his children had spread across the country, his wife had died, and his dog had died. On top of it, the neighbors that he knew had moved away or died. I heard about them all. When he died, I met his family and a son said, “I bet he drove you nuts.” I replied, “No, he was simply lonely.”

Nearly half of all Americans report feeling lonely, a figure that has steadily increased since the 1980s. One survey of community challenges found loneliness was in the top three on every list. Those who would come to my office were seldom poor; many had good pensions; one was a financial institution president who sold it for millions.

To believers everywhere, the three most powerful behavioral words Jesus spoke were “Come, follow me” (Luke 18:22; see also Matthew 16:24; Mark 1:17; Luke 9:23). Jesus reached out and asked individuals to be disciples. We must do the same. There is much work to be done, call upon acquaintances, friends, and even strangers to help. Seldom will one be turned down. The list is long:

•    help provide, prepare, and/or serve meals in our kitchens
•    provide tutoring
•    facilitate activities programs
•    office coverage
•    landscaping
•    building maintenance and repairs
•    work with technology
•    create PowerPoint presentations
•    meet to knit/crochet/stitch prayer shawls, quilts, socks, etc.       
•    celebrate people with special needs
•    program and worship set up
•    provide transportation
•    construct handicapped ramps
•    assist with Cass programs
•    assist with Methodist Children’s Home programs
•    assist with food pantry

As we join hands in doing things together and for a purpose, loneliness will fade away.

Don Crawford

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