Wednesday, March 29, 2023

March 29, 2023


Psalm 71:9
“Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone”

In February of 2022, Sarah Frakes asked me to head the Cheer committee that she chaired for several years. I knew that the Cheer committee sent monthly cards to shut-ins and my father was a recipient of this ministry when he was in a nursing home for many years. I recall him being delighted to receive these cards with the thoughtful, caring and encouraging message written inside. So, my response to Sarah’s question was a definite, “Yes.” Who wouldn’t want to spread joy and positive sentiments to others? In addition, it was my first opportunity to be a “cheerleader!”

I have thoroughly enjoyed the past year as head “Cheerleader,” and my supportive, caring team of Cheer committee members are the best! While I experience a great deal of joy working with the Youth and Children’s Ministry, on the Cheer committee, I’ve found another ministry near and dear to my heart. Since becoming a part of this committee it has been a pleasure to learn and grow from the interactions with these faithful committee members, some of whom are three decades older than me! Who said you can’t be on a cheer team at 90 plus years old!!

In getting to know my fellow cheer team members, I’m inspired by their caring and thoughtful concern regarding the needs of others. It’s not just about who should receive a monthly card with an encouraging message, but what can we do to offer support and lend a helping hand to seniors and medically challenged people in need. It directly relates to Rev. David’s message of learning to live and love like Jesus.

In addition to working with the wonderful members of the Cheer committee, I’ve had the great pleasure of befriending two of the Cheer committee predecessors, Jean Buhler and Sarah Frakes. If you haven’t had a chance to meet these ladies, you need to. These 
two faithful Christian women are the epitome of grace, kindness, and love. Both women have given me guidance and inspiration in this ministry and like the Cheer committee members, they have enriched my life and helped me to become a more faithful servant of God.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I am thankful for this new ministry opportunity to help others in their time of need. Please guide me in keeping my focus “other” directed so that I may live a more Christ-like life. Amen

Merri Lee Day

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