Wednesday, April 05, 2017

April 05, 2017

A Handy Tool … A Blessing Tool
Read: Matthew 22:34-40

Are you looking for a practical tool to help you in your daily ministry? There is an easy answer to this question, though one that could be overlooked: the Church Directory! As of this writing, a new edition was recently printed, and a copy is available to every family at GPUMC. Be sure to secure your copy and keep it readily available.

It is said that charity begins at home. For most of us, our parents instill in us from an early age sacred values of love, kindness, and respect for others. Spiritual lessons are of inestimable worth, and carry us through all the phases of Earthly life. They are intended to be applied in ever-widening circles, beginning with our daily associates.

Though each person in the global human family belongs to the family of God, this is not recognized by everyone. Some persons may not feel part of any family at all. A logical next step for applying Godly care beyond the immediate home environment is that of the church family. GPUMC encompasses people of all age groups, from infants to those nearing and surpassing the century mark. Families vary in description and in size. May different careers and occupations are represented. Physical and emotional needs vary widely. However, we all are on essentially the same journey, for our true need is identical for each of us – a return to a right relationship with our Creator and Sustainer. Consequentially, being in such a relationship with God puts us in a right relationship with each other, for God is not absent from any part of Creation. Only with a denial of God’s omnipresence could the concept of separation be accorded any value. The vision given by the Holy Spirit reveals the real world – one not of our own making – in which separation is a meaningless concept.

Ministry takes innumerable forms, and should be applied equally to those we consider “close” and to those we feel are not. All are of equal value to the Creator – if God be perfect.

The humble ministry of service, as Jesus demonstrated in his life and teachings, is a hallmark of one who bears the name of Christ. Let each member of the GPUMC family be considered as one of our own. In Heaven this is true. And our function here is to bring, as best we can, a reflection of Heaven to Earth. A caring visit by phone or in person, a greeting card or note to express concern or gratitude (or just to say “Hello”), a thoughtful gift of food or service to one in need … these are but a few examples. The inspiration and direction from God’s Voice will lead us appropriately. And all the contact information we need is contained within that Church Directory!

GPUMC is an official Welcoming Congregation. Let us pause to consider what this means for us, not only corporately, but personally. Any child of God should be welcome in the house of the Lord anywhere, if the Church be true to its mission. Each Sunday morning we give God an hour or so of our undivided attention. Through spoken word, music, and silent prayer we speak to Him and, more importantly, allow God to speak to us. Thus inspired, the Fellowship Hour that follows begins the process of bringing God’s love and grace to others, taking our rightful places as His trusted servants in the world. Le us not forget that God offers His thanks and the Holy Spirit joins our efforts on behalf of all those who walk the path with us, the path that leads to the ascendance of God to His rightful place in our minds and hearts.

Doug Dykstra

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