Friday, April 07, 2023

April 7, 2023 – Good Friday

For the Man Upstairs

At the end of each rummage sale, the challenge is to pack everything that is not sold, and stage it so that local charities can pick it up to support other missions. This past Fall, Matrix Human Services took all the unsold clothing, as they have done in the past, right after the sale on Saturday. We love to see them coming, because they bring extra help and a truck! Matrix started a new program to help people find housing, and to help them furnish their homes. Several items of furniture were marked for pick up to be used in this new program. The Matrix staff was to pick up the furniture the Monday after the sale, the same day that Goodwill picks up unsold items. The Matrix staff was unable to pick up the furniture on Monday, and asked if I could meet them the following Saturday. I agreed, and we set a time.

I must admit I was a little concerned, as I would have to figure an alternative to move several items of furniture if they didn’t show. True to their word, the Matrix representative showed up with a jeep and a van and two men. It is unclear to me how they managed to put all of the items in those two vehicles, but they did. As is the custom, we typically provide a tip to the drivers who pick up and haul away our rummage. The gentlemen, refused the tip, pointing heavenward. We do this for others and the man upstairs. Their kindness really touched me.

They taught me a valuable lesson that day. Keep the faith. There are so many who are generous of heart and spirit in this world.

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13:16

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, Galatians 5:22

Nancy Grose

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