Saturday, April 09, 2011

April 09, 2011


Read: Psalm 37:3-6, 23-31

In February of 1929 it was still a good year.  I grew up not knowing things had gotten bad.  Through the depression my parents must have done a good job of keeping the family together and happy.

During the years of Kindergarten through the 12th grade, I lived in the right place (Grosse Pointe) to get a good education.  It was not until the 10th grade I decided to go to college.  The school system allowed me to get through in time to graduate.

I had been moving on and off between going to college and working.  In 1951 I ended up  being laid off  from my job at the Chrysler Jefferson Plant and did not have enough money to go back to school.

Having been in the Naval Reserve for about 5 years, I signed up for active duty.  It was the right choice, for after two years on a Destroyer Escort out of Newport RI, I was able to go back to school on the GI Bill and finish my degree in August of 1956.

Being “older” I had been  invited to join the dormitory staff.  A friend on the dormitory staff (Roger Wilkins) introduced me to his friend Sandy and her friend Shirley.

Not only was it the right thing to do (marry Shirley), but our children also did the right thing in the two people they married.

After all that, how can anybody believe there is no such thing as Divine Intervention.

Jack Van Becelaere

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