Saturday, April 16, 2011

April 16, 2011

The Right Side

Read: John 21: 3-13

The Lord said, “Fish off the Right side of the Boat.” So I always start on the Starboard quarter. We’ve taught a lot of kids to fish, we usually take them for 6-8 hour trips. Sometimes I think I like teaching the kids more than I do catching the fish. Naaawwww catching is best.

Last fall we had a chance to take a few United Methodist Youth out for fishing trip. We figured a daylong adventure but when we got to the dock we found we had 1 ½ hours. We had to go out, find fish, anchor the boat on fish, teach the crew to catch fish, catch fish, clean up, and return to the dock in an hour and a half. We’re pretty good but that’s a tall order. Of course I said a prayer. See Ta Ra Ra Boom Di Aye. The Bearhooks motto is the 139th Psalm.

The Lovely and Gracious Captain JeriLynn ran the boat out to one of our fishing holes while I rigged up some stuff, and she stopped the boat right on top of a school of hungry Perch. That’s why I love her. We caught 26 fish and kept 18 and were back to the dock only a fashionable 10 minutes late. The boys had a lot of fun and so did we. If you twist our arms we could be talked into doing that again.

P.S. The American Bass opener is June 18 this year, and the Bearhooks is available.

Ron Draper

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