Saturday, March 02, 2013

March 02, 2013

Faith Does not Need to be Blind, and I Have Proof!

Read: Psalm 23

I am a lucky man. I have a wonderful family. I have loving parents and In-Laws, an amazing brother with a wonderful wife and two beautiful children, I have an aunt and uncle and cousins who love me, I have another aunt who is, as most of you know, an angel on earth, and last but certainly not least, I have the most amazing wife in the world who has shared some great adventures with me for the last four and almost ½ years.

This past year has been tough in terms of the eldest generation of my family. Both my last surviving grandmother, Charlotte, and my great aunt Agnes have passed away. My grandfathers have both been gone for more than 17 years now, and my Grandmother Mary Jane has been gone for more than six years. I miss them all terribly, but losing these two has been surprisingly difficult and eye opening.
Shortly after my granny (Charlotte) passed away, I had an amazing and comforting dream. There she was, standing up! This was not possible in the last few years of her life due to many health issues, not to mention two broken hips, what a strong woman! She looked younger and healthier, the granny of my youth back in full form. She said some simple words to me. “You don’t have to worry about me; we are all up here eating breakfast!” And just like that I was awake and shaken, but in a good way. For any of you that knew my grandparents, especially my granny and granddad, you know that meals, especially breakfast on a Sunday morning, were important to them. For me, this was confirmation. “Confirmation of what?” I hear you cry.
 Such a beautiful concept. Something we are told exists but have to rely on blind faith in order to believe in it. We can use the words of the Bible, or our pastors and friends for re-assurance, but for some of us it takes more than that. I have always believed in God, the message of Jesus, and the journey of the human spirit until it reaches that final and amazing destination. But there are always lingering doubts. I am human, and like most humans, when something bad happens, there is sometimes a questioning of faith. The world around us is filled with tragedy and despair; some believe that Earth is actually hell. It is not, because there is beauty, love, hope, and family that a hell would not allow. We believe in what is happening on this Earth because we can see it, smell it, touch it, taste it, and feel it. But because of a dream, I don’t just have blind faith that heaven exists, I know it because I have seen it in the face of my granny.

James F. Van de Putte

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