Wednesday, March 09, 2022

March 9, 2022

God Answered His Prayer

“Jabez called out to the God of Israel, ‘If only you would greatly bless me and expand my territory. May your hand be with me! Keep me from harm so I might not endure pain.’ God answered his prayer.” – 1 Chronicles 4:10

Have you ever heard the term “Be careful what you wish for?” It might apply here!

For many years I was an active member of Bethany UMC in Liberty Township, OH. I was upset when my first and longtime pastor got re-appointed. I had served joyfully under him on our SPRC as well as a fund-raising campaign for our new fellowship hall plus numerous other committees. Our new pastor was not a fit for the church, and we were having issues with him and the whole situation which de-motivated me to serve. I then prayed that fateful Prayer of Jabez which changed the course of my servitude forever.

Being an active choir member, I had participated in weekly rehearsals which were a wonderful time of preparation and fellowship. Liberty Township, OH was growing, and we increased our outreach to our local community to grow the body of Christ at Bethany. At the time a small group put together a “folksy” type band and attempted to start a contemporary service. With the all the “noise” surrounding the new pastor, I needed something different, and the rest is history thanks to the Prayer of Jabez.

I am a marketing and sales guy. Through that prayer God energized me to take the basic framework of that “folksy” little band and take it to a new level. I was inspired to reach out and capitalize on the congregation’s spiritual gifts and people came forward offering to help.

We built a stage in the new fellowship hall, installed a huge overhead screen, recruited musicians from our youth, added a coffee bar, and shared some great upbeat Contemporary Christian Music.

That same year, the new pastor was replaced with one more suited for the demographics of the area. Our service thrived as our pastor made his rounds from two other services to preach the same Biblically based message and the body of Christ grew at Bethany UMC.

I was blessed as worship leader at Bethany UMC for 5 years until we moved to Toledo. Those final years will always hold a special place in my heart, and I grew personally and spiritually from the experience. All praise to Jesus and the answer to my offering up of the Prayer of Jabez.
Should you ever choose to pray that prayer, buckle up as your answer may be more than you have ever imagined!

Kenny Cameron

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