Friday, March 17, 2006

March 17, 2006


I must be an excellent judge of character.
Look who I picked for a wife.

I must be very lucky.
I have two children, both healthy, both very bright.

They both have to be excellent judges of character.
Look who they picked for spouses.

We all are lucky, our kids for their children, and Shirley and I for those grandchildren, all healthy, all very bright.

We are all lucky to be part of a church family that really cares about each other.

In a country where so much is taken for granted, where almost anything is available, where you suddenly realize at Christmas, birthdays, etc. there is nothing you really need, almost nothing you really want (that you don’t already have), it is easy to forget the important things.

God has been really good to me and my family.

Jack Van Becelaere

Thought for the day;
Any day is a lucky day when God is watching over you.

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