Friday, March 21, 2008

March 21, 2008

Final Moments

Read: Luke 23:33-46

November was a month with unexpected and unpleasant deaths for us. Two of Gary’s co-workers were gunned down in a parking lot. Sadly it wasn’t over as fast as one would hope. Every so often I think of that horrible moment. I imagine the terror they experienced and feel awful about the way they died. One of our dogs died in November too, so now I have two dogs in heaven. There are days when I think of them and can cry just thinking about how miserable their last day was. It’s easy to focus on the bad parts. It’s sad to lose someone you love, and when their death isn’t painless or easy, it’s hard to ignore the misery that went with it.

Then I remind myself that in the scheme of things the terror or misery that they felt was fleeting. I find myself physically shaking my head to make the upsetting thoughts leave. I force myself to think about what their life is like now. Gary’s co-workers were in love, and they died together. Their terror and pain vanished and now they are happy together for eternity. I imagine one of my dogs swimming any time he wants. I imagine him running without a limp. I imagine the other dog giving him a run for his money chasing the ball. They didn’t know each other in life, but I like to think they’ve found each other and become friends. I know their pain is gone.

That makes me think of Good Friday. I can get very upset by the horrible death Jesus suffered. I can’t help but project my feelings onto his situation. I imagine his pain, his sadness, his fear, his disappointment in those responsible. Each Good Friday I grieve for him. My grief, like his suffering, is fleeting though. Not only did his suffering end, but he rose to glory and great joy to be with his Father. Because of his suffering, we also will rise to glory and great joy to be with our Father.

Thought for the day: Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. (Psalm 30:5)

Prayer: Dear God, we are amazed and eternally grateful for the suffering Jesus endured for us. Help us remember that whether our own exit from this life is easy or difficult, we will enter into peace and joy in heaven with you. Amen.

Jacki Rumpp

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