Friday, April 01, 2011

April 01, 2011

What Would Faith Do????

Read Galatians 6:2-5, 9-10

We all know the answer, faith would move a mountain! We’ve all heard, it’s written in scripture, faith can move a mountain. Having climbed the highest one on the lower 48 in the dead of winter I have a unique perspective on this. In the last few years though, I’ve found myself overwhelmed at times, often wondering how I’m going to get it all done. In our case we don’t worry about where the next job is coming from, we’re more often worried about how to complete all the jobs we have in time to keep customers happy and also keep the job profitable. The Lovely and Gracious JeriLynn and I are now running 3 separate and distinctly different companies. It can be overwhelming at times.

After a chance meeting with a rather unassuming little woman though, I’ve gained strength when I need it. This unique and singular person has the power to literally move mountains, mountains of food. She’s in charge of feeding over 20,000 meals a week to those without. Appropriately, her name is Faith.

When I go to bed at night, if I’ve had some failing at work, I’ll likely get another chance to fix it tomorrow with only a few people uncomfortable for a while. If she fails by even 10%, then 2,000 people go without a meal. The boundless energy and faith in her organization is truly something to behold.

Now when I feel overwhelmed I ask myself, “What would Faith do?” The answer of course is, she would continue to move the mountain, one piece at a time. If you’d like to help her, log onto

Ron Draper

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