Monday, March 07, 2016

March 7, 2016

The general consensus is that we are all "a work in progress". We are compared to the work on a potters wheel. That comparison makes me think – as long as we are moving – we are not a finished product. If we are still moving around, it must be we have more to do. If so – what is to be completed?
In my case I thought I may have done enough, or even more than enough, because of our two kids, Charlie and Jacki. Both are doing wonderful things in their lives and in their churches. It's been a few years since they came to be – so evidently that's not enough! Looking forward – what else is in store for me?
In the near death experiences I have read, there is a remarkable similarity – regardless of age, religious affiliation or geographical location. The experiences include unimaginable colors and music and greater love than any have ever experienced. When they are told their time has not come and they must "go back" it's generally met with disappointment. They are told they have things to do and there are people who need them.
For those of us who have not had this experience, in a way we have the same message – you are still here so you have not completed God's plan for you!

Jack Van Becelaere

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