Wednesday, March 01, 2017

March 01, 2017 – Ash Wednesday

Close Your Eyes and Open Your Mouth
Read Psalm 51:15

“O taste and see that the Lord is good; happy are those who take refuge in him.” – Psalm 34:8 NRSV

“Close your eyes and open your mouth.”
Have you ever had your kid or friend or spouse say that to you? What does it take to comply?

Yes, but not just trust that your 4-year-old means well by you, you also have to trust that he knows what’s OK to put in Dad’s mouth.
You need trust and faith.

What? Faith?
Yes, and it’s just like that when we follow God.

We can’t just believe that He has our best interest at heart; we also have to trust that He knows what’s OK for us – no, that He knows what’s best for us.

So – close your eyes and open your mouth.

Taste and see how good the Lord is.

Thank Him for all He has given you.

Tell Him you love Him.

Tell Him your deepest needs, thoughts, feelings.

Taste the goodness of the Lord, and be ready for Him to give you the best, and now that your mouth is open, be ready to tell everyone you meet of God’s goodness!

Charlie van Becelaere

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