Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 16, 2011

Ta Ra Ra Boom Di Aye

Read: Proverbs 22:6

Oh the pain of it all. I’m getting old and at the same time I’m becoming my mother.

As time goes on I find myself singing to myself for no apparent reason, ”Ta ra ra Boom di aye”, “Seventy six trombones and a hairy ape…”.

I’m always repeating things Mom said like “Any old port in a storm”, “Look before you leap”, “He who hesitates is lost”, “A fool and his gold are soon parted”, “Use your head, that’s what the good Lord gave it to you for”, and my own personal favorite, “As you travel down the road of life dear brother, whatever be our goal, keep your eye upon the doughnut and not upon the hole.” I find myself dancing the Tango with the Lovely & Gracious JeriLynn in the kitchen for no reason, something Mom taught me when I was a kid. I look in the mirror and tell myself the wrinkles only come where the smiles have been.

Most of all though I find myself repeating the Lord’s Prayer, something Mom taught me as soon as I could remember words. I’m not sure why or how it works, but I’m convinced it works. On the way into and out of every job I repeat the prayer. I’ve always wondered if surgeons do this. For some reason, since I started doing this several years ago everything seems to work better.

Maybe this shouldn’t be a startling revelation for someone of my age, but I never claimed to be the fastest learner in the room. I also wonder, as I always have, if there is something wrong or self serving about saying a prayer hoping something good will happen. In college philosophy classes I was taught that such things were amoral, neither good nor bad.

The older I get the less I care about those college philosophers and the more I pray, and oddly enough, the better and better things get all the time. Turns out, Mom was right all along.  Ta Ra Ra Boom Di Aye!!!

Happy birthday, Mom.

Ron Draper

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