Friday, February 26, 2021

Friday, February 26, 2021

Take Your Medicine

Read: Mark 8:22-26

I’ve learned a lot from Jack these past few months.
Did you know cats can get glaucoma? I didn’t either, but that didn’t stop Jack (our cat, not my Dad) from getting it and needing treatment.

For whatever reason, I’m Jack’s human – about the only person he’ll allow to pick him up and pet him and all that. So naturally it’s my job to give him his drops twice a day.

No, it’s not as traumatic as I had expected, and I haven’t really lost any blood in the process. In fact, Jack often shows up on his own at the chair where we do his drops, right at the time when he should get them. I think he’s learned that they make him feel better (and he likes the treats he gets afterward), but I also like to think he wants to spend time with me.

He usually protests a bit when I pick him up to get the drops, but it’s only for a moment. I give him his medicine and then I hold him for a short time. Initially it was to let the drops get in before he can shake his head and send them flying, but it has become a time when we can just be together. I tell him he’s a good boy and that I love him. He sits with me calmly until I let go, and then he jumps down and heads to his bowl for a few treats.

As I said, I’ve learned a lot from Jack these past few months. I’ve learned what trust looks like; and I want to trust God the way Jack trusts me. He doesn’t like getting the drops – there’s no question about that – but he trusts me that I won’t hurt him, and that I’m doing something good for him. Yes, I want to trust God the way Jack trusts me – and He is far more trustworthy than I’ll ever be. Sure, I try to do what’s best for Jack, but God actually knows what’s best for me.
I know I’ll continue to complain like Jack when it’s time to take my medicine, but I pray I’ll also learn to sit in God’s embrace while He tells me that He loves me.

Prayer: Father, help me to trust You more and more. Remind me that You know what’s best for me, and that You are always working for my good. Thank you for the examples of trust – of faith – that can help me remember that. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Charlie van Becelaere

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