Saturday, March 09, 2024

Saturday, March 9, 2024

All Things Will Fall into Place

Read: Romans 8:26-28

I happened upon a hidden stream
and sat down on the bank to think.
The water was so clean and pure, it seemed as a mirror,
a reflection of my life.

The water rushing to the sea
as birth and infancy is to age and death
How soon came my silvered hair.

Good God there is so much to know
and so little time to find out true insight,
to know for sure that one's values are meaningful
and have purpose.
This, Lord, has escaped my feeble grasp.

The stream has showed me this, and more...
some of which I did not like.
But maybe that's what life is all about,
a never ending search by inquisitive minds
concerned with the order of things.

And if this be true, then I will accept the challenge,
knowing that, in the end,
All things will fall into place.

Written by Glenn DeLodder and spoken at the funeral of his father, Frank DeLodder, April 4, 1991

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