Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 25, 2014

Lenten Resolutions?

Read Psalm46

How are you doing on your New Year’s Resolutions? By the beginning of February, most of us have forgotten what we resolved to improve or change. At the turn of this year, I became aware of MYONEWORD – a book and concept by Mike Ashcraft and Rachel Olsen. I love the simplicity of this! Instead of a whole list of resolutions, you choose one word on which to concentrate for the year. It should sum up your good intentions and be easy to remember. Here are some examples: LEARN; JOY; PRAY; CHANGE; HOPE. You get the idea. Since one word sums up the kind of person we want to become, we can more easily keep it in sight and mind. We can even paint the word on our wall, embroider it into our wallet, or make it our screen-saver.

We can select a word to take us through the whole year, or through the season of Lent. I wonder what Jesus’s word would be? LOVE or FAITH or GIVE or ENDURE or LIFE or JOURNEY? I would guess His word would be LOVE, because He so wanted us to understand that God loves us and that we must love each other. I truly believe it is why we are here on Earth” to feel love, show love and receive love, even when we do not deserve it. That sounds so simple, but it is so hard to do. We often do not feel lovable, even when we want to love God and others.

So back to my one word, which came to me immediately: BE. To me, this means to develop and flesh out the gifts God has placed within me. Be loving, be brave, be the best me that I can be. Also, be still and listen to God. Watch what happens, look for God’s direction. Be faithful and vigilant to that which is important. Be musical! Be smart! Be a blessing to others. Be positive. Be quiet. Look around. Our lives are such incredible gifts. Each one of you is so unique and special. Let us BE during Lent and this year, exactly what God wants us to be.

If you have a word for your year, I would love for you to share it with me. Maybe we can remind each other as time goes by.

Dear God, thank you for our lives and for our church, where we have daily reminders of the persons you would like to be. Help us to be our best selves and to always appreciate the wonderful present moment. Amen

Anne Sullivan

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