Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 27, 2014

Moving” closer to God

Last year I started a Zumba class at our church. Zumba is an exercise program based on various dance styles, from samba to salsa. The idea is to have fun while getting a good workout.

You may wonder what Zumba has to do with church. However, I think it’s a perfect fit. It is a known fact that our spiritual health and physical health are related. There is indeed a “mind/body” connection. The research is clear that exercise can relieve depression, calm anxiety, help to prevent many diseases, improve mobility, and ease pain and stiffness.

My daughter recently gave me the book “The Blue Zones.” The book looks at societies with the highest concentrations of the longest-lived and healthiest people in the world. As I was reading about these healthy societies, I realized that they had a common thread. The people had a great spiritual faith and EXERCISED DAILY. In fact, I was amazed at the activity level of these people!

The author of the book describes his day with Marge Jelton, a Seventh Day Adventist from California. He writes:
After prayers and reflection, it was power-walking time. Marge’s corner of the apartment was in the independent-living facility. If she made her customary beeline down the hallway to the other end of the building and back six times, it worked out to a mile…Then she did her exercises… She hopped on the lone exercise bicycle, quickly adjusted the resistance with a spin of the thumb and forefinger, and started churning. ‘I ride between six and eight miles a day, except for the Sabbath,’ she said over the whirring bike… ‘Well then, let’s get you going,’ she announced, hopping off the bike and moving toward a series of hand weights in the corner… She demonstrated an eight-part, dual-hand, lift-and-stretch exercise as she counted it off, and barked for me to follow along. Then we started with twisting trunk contortions, followed by side-to side stretches with the weights held over our heads.”

Marge Jelton is 100 years young.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 states “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? … Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

Jan Versical

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