Wednesday, March 04, 2009

March 4, 2009

God's Postcard

Read: Psalm 8, and Psalm 19

To truly see our Lord for the very first time is a great achievement.

For me, this happened while a group of friends and I went to Colorado in August of 1998. We were climbing the ever-famed Pike's Peak in our white GMC Safari. My friend and I were frightened, because, being youth, we had never done this before.

No safety rails dotted the road, and it was a rather steep climb. The dog, on the other hand, was asleep in my lap. When we finally reached the top, I was relieved. We went in and got hot cocoa and donuts.

My friend's dad and I were standing on the peak, when I looked up and saw what I immediately labeled, "God's Postcard." It was signed, sealed, and delivered, it seemed, just for me.

It was for all people, not just yours truly. This was the first time, though, I really appreciated God's Beauty and Love.

Dear Lord, help those who have yet to see. Open their eyes to your Grace and Wonder.
Thank You for being a constant presence in our lives.
With the confidence of the children of God we pray.

Thought for the Day:
Believe in God and He will open your eyes to His Grace.

Prayer Focus: Those blinded by fear in trusting in the Lord.

James Van de Putte (from Feb 24, 1999)

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