Saturday, March 10, 2018

March 10, 2018

Ponder This

Why did Jesus come to Earth then? Why not now or some other time?

In the Old Testament God was wrathful bringing the sword, famine and pestilence. In the New Testament He is merciful and forgiving. Do you think having a kid mellowed Him?

Why did calendars used to start the weeks on Sundays and now it's Mondays?

Why do bad things happen to good people? Corollary: Why is there evil in the world?

Is Free Will really free or is it preordained? (It must mean more than "release Will Lorenz, Will Norris, or Will Van de Putte")

Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. What could be in God's will? And how do you leave something to your Son when You and your Son (with the Holy Spirit) are one and the same?

In the "old days" families were close by and had togetherness. Why are families now spread across the country (or the world)?

After healing an affliction, why would Jesus tell the person to tell no one when He knew that would not happen?

Talk about the agony of defeat! How could so many forget or choose not to remember what Jesus went through "for a world of lost sinners?"

Jack Van Becelaere

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