Saturday, April 06, 2019

April 06, 2019

Misdirected Anger ??
How long can you stay mad at God?
When a loved one is "on the way out" and all around know it and have accepted it – why is the loved one's "departure" held in abeyance for day after day. I don't mean any inconvenience on the parts of those gathered around, but rather the indignity and unfairness suffered by the "patient."
No way is it fair to have someone linger on unable to communicate, to have hospital employees or others check "vitals" when they know it doesn't matter and all the while "God knows!”
It makes me wonder if sometimes God's mysterious ways are malevolent ways. It makes no sense to me that this can go on in some instances for months or even years.
How long can you stay mad at God? I don't know yet but I'm slowly accepting "Thy will be done" even though this seems to be counter intuitive with the belief in a loving God. It's hard to know with our limited perspective but perhaps will be understood in the next life. As of now – I'm still mad.

The above was written about a year ago and since then I have come to appreciate the fact that plan A (God's) was the better one.
I still don't understand the "delay," but I am accepting rather than angry.
I debated submitting these thoughts from last year, but figured someone may take comfort knowing he or she was not alone in thoughts like these.

Jack Van Becelaere

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