Tuesday, March 28, 2023

March 28, 2023

The Rainbow Connection

Read: Genesis 9:12-15
I was driving down a boring stretch of freeway on a gloomy day in 2005 and was thinking about my mom. She had died a few years earlier, following a long battle with cancer, and I was missing her terribly. She was not just my mom; she was my confidant and friend. My mom was also a remarkable caregiver to her friends, her family, and the cancer patients she cared for as a radiation oncology nurse. One of her patients even called her a “saint.”

Nonetheless, I was mad at her for leaving me with an empty feeling. I had always heard about people who felt connected to their deceased loved ones through dreams, signs, feelings, etc., but I had not experienced any of those things since my mom had died. So, speaking out loud, I begged my mom to give me a sign that she was still present in my life. And she did!

A brilliant and full rainbow appeared in the sky as soon as I was done speaking. I immediately felt my heart warm and my mood lift. In fact, I started to cry tears of joy.

It may have been a coincidence, but I believe there are moments of awe and wonder that cannot be explained away. I believe that God had a hand in connecting me to my mom.
Now I say “Hi Mom” whenever I see a rainbow.

Jan Versical

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