Sunday, March 01, 2015

March 1, 2015

A Devotion of Thanks
Read Psalms 23 and 91

On June 9, 1962, Bud and I transferred our church membership from St. Mark's to the friendly little Methodist Church in Grosse Pointe. We have enjoyed being a part of it, and watching it grow, but always maintaining its friendly and caring ways.

I have long believed that our Lord works through people, and I know that a lot of His workers are in our church family. I know this is true because of the care extended to Bud and me during the past year and a half.

Nothing prepares us for what lies ahead in our lives. Certainly Bud and I had no idea of what was ahead for us health wise. Through it all, however, we had you, our church family, to hold us up with your help in so many ways.

First, there were your prayers and the many phone calls to offer help and express your concerns. Then there were the visits that cheered us up. Also, the many cards and letters that we enjoyed, especially the hand-made one from the Logos kids. Then there was the gift of the beautiful Prayer Quilt that Pastor Bob delivered to us, and that we each wrap around ourselves. The delicious dinners and jars of soup were always enjoyed. We are grateful to the drivers who took us to our doctor's appointments and hospitals. We also appreciated very much the loan of a wheelchair that we each needed to use several times.

Bud and I are both humbled by your caring and generosity, and proud to be members of our friendly, little GPUMC. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. God bless you all.

Marie Draper

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